Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Big Photo Challenge...Reflections

The Big Photo Challenge

This week's topic is Reflections.

I haven't been participating in the photo challenge lately. Partly due to work committments and partly due to weather and lack of daylight. I decided to share this picture from a few months ago when we were still able to enjoy the outdoors.

I took this picture in the Idaho Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge. We were looking for fall folige scenes and went to the Priest Lake area. I took this picture with My Canon Power Shot S3 IS in program mode with color set to vivid. I was fascinated by the trees reflection in the stream. If you look closely you'll notice that the picture is actually displayed upside down.

I also took this shot of a small pond a little further down the path.

I was trying to capture the REFLECTION of the hill in the background in the still water.

We went up the path a little farther and when we returned we found a totally different scene.

Two otters were sitting on the log in the water and a blad eagle was in the dead tree behind the pond.

1 comment:

  1. I love the first one! What a great photo! I haven't participated in the photo challenge for a while either...I should get back in the habit.
