Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Big Photo Challenge...TECHNOLOGY

The Big Photo Challenge

This week's theme is Technology.

I decided to take a picture of my work station.

7 computers (2 RAID Servers under the keyboards) running on 4 dual input monitors.

These computers are used to configure software to run a utility plant.

Then I noticed everyone was submitting pictures of their iPods, so I decided to follow suit. Until I realized I don't have an iPod. So I took a picture of my multimeter since it is small and has wires coming out of it.

I took the picture with my Canon PowerShot S3IS. I used the Shutter priority mode and set the shutter speed to 4 seconds. The camera adjusted the aperature to F4.5 automatically. I had to put it on a tripod due to the slow shutter speed or it would blur. I also set the timer delay to 2 seconds so I would have my hands off of it when the shutter opens. The meter is actually dark red but I used a black light to give it the eerie glow. I balanced the meter on a small rubber ball to give it the effect of floating in air.

1 comment:

  1. Love the effect on your multimeter shot - actually it looks like an ipod too LOL. Ours in bright yellow and looks nothing like an ipod :)

    The computer set up looks very similar to the equipment we have in our lab - I say "looks" because I have no idea what's actually running in any of it! I just know how to use it :P
