Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Big Photo Challenge...NEW

The Big Photo Challenge

This week's challenge is NEW.

Lacking a cute little baby of my own

or the funds to purchase one,
(baby Piper, photo by mother Melissa)

I decided on the next best thing: New Growth

Summer seems to be coming late to our great state this year. Most of the evergreen trees are still showing their new growth. I took this shot on a bike ride this morning on the Centennial Trail near Coeur d'Alene Idaho. I used my Canon Power Shot S3 IS in program mode with the color enhancement feature on Vivid Green and the Macro setting on to get a clear and close shot.


  1. Great idea...I like this one :) Glad you had a good bike ride.

  2. Gosh that new growth is green isn't it? Summer seems to be coming here late too - actually it's been disappointing for the last few ears so I've kind of given up hoping for a sunny summer. We get the heat but not the sun :(
